Cellular Ticker

What worth screwing up once might be worth messing up a second time. How could Palm have screwed up a sure thing like the first-gen Palm Pre? In january 2009, people were bowing down before this phone after it was introduced. Apple was going to shake in its boots.

But the smallish 3.1 inch screen, lack of tasty apps in the Palm Apps Catalog, the Fisher-Price assembly quality,  the rather piss poor QWERTY and stupid ads that didn’t focus on the phone left enough time for Androidmania to result from the launch of the Motorola DROID.

Now comes the Palm Pre 2. Ok, it has a 1GHz processor. It has webOS2 which is pretty cool, we admit.  It’s fun to turn off an app by flipping it up and off the screen! But it still has that puny 3.1 inch screen, the crappy QWERTY keyboard and an improved but still cheaply made feel to the phone. Verizon customers should concentrate on the Android space because Big Red is going to have some might-t-fine handsets running Google’s open source OS.

In the interest of pleasing HP and Palm, check out their propaganda on the Palm Pre 2




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