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BlackBerry introduces the PlayBook tablet

BlackBerry introduced a 7 inch tablet that will be launched in the U.S. early next year, and overseas in Q2. The platform is a special BlackBerry tablet OS built by recently acquired QNX. Is there a front facing camera? Sure is! 3MP in front and 5MP in the rear. The display is a 7 inch LCD screen with resolution of 1024 x 600

The browser supports WebKit/HTML-5 and even Flash 10.1! There will be no 3G connectivity although RIM CEO Mike Lazuridis says that 3G/4G is coming to ‘Berry tablets later. Connections can be made through Wi-Fi and through a BlackBerry smartphone. Lazuridis calls it the first “professional tablet” and at the same time, says it will be an amazing gaming device. A ‘Berry for gaming? Is the world coming to an end?

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